Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Improve Golf Swing And Pep Up Your Golf

Improve Golf Swing And Pep Up Your Golf
Whatever the reason is for you to improve golf swing, be it balance, body posture or power, there is a way to help you improve it and put you on the course to playing successful golf. If you are a novice to the game, don’t bother about what other players might think or say about your game; concentrate on improving your game because that is all that matters.
Some Common Mistakes
One of the most common mistakes the beginners commit when striking a ball is to send it as far away as possible. Although it may look good to them to see the ball flying away, they are missing out on more essential aspects of the game, i.e., accuracy and consistency.
It is easy for a novice to be over enthusiastic. Often they get a wrong idea as to where the power should come from. Golf is one of the sports that gives your whole body a work out. You have to use every major muscle group in your arms, torso and legs to get the proper golf swing, with power and consistency.
Practice Is The Key
There are many ways to improve your golfing skills. You first have to find out the area in which you are lacking and making mistakes, especially with your swing. Get advice from your friends and other acquaintances who have more experience. You can resort to golf lessons from a professional golfer, watch instructional videos and use training aids. Golf magazines will give you tips by professional golfers and writers. Nevertheless, it is constant practice that will finally help you the most. Otherwise you will remain a mediocre golfer.
Even professional golfers practice constantly to continuously improve golf swing. Though the saying “practice makes perfect” is perfectly true, it does not mean that you should stop practicing the moment you attain a degree of perfection. The more you practice the more you gain confidence and confidence has a telling effect on not only golf, but in all activities.
Sufficient Practice
The more golf workouts you do, the more the change in your game will be for the better. Your muscles get conditioned and stronger, giving you more power and the confidence to get the proper golf swing for a more accurate shot. A disciplined practice schedule can have you striking the ball dead centre. Your muscle memory will improve and it will aid you in remembering the correct sequence of your swing, the posture to be taken and the power to be applied.
Putting and chipping do not require much muscle play. You can practice it even in your living room or on your lawn. But golf is not just putting and chipping. The swing and the drive is there at the start of the game for which you will either have to go to a driving range or an indoor training facility for practicing the long range shots.
Each time you play golf, the muscles of your upper body, your arms, your lower back and your legs are brought into play. As such, it is better that you do some warm-ups before practicing or heading out for a tournament. Stretching exercises are the best warm ups.
With a will for constant practice and a positive attitude you can, undoubtedly, become a successful golfer.

Get Fit to Golf

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